User’s Manual
Table A-4 lists the delays in gross memory access time for VDD = 3.3 V. The measurements are taken at the 50% points under the following conditions.
T = -40°C to 85°C, V = VDD ±10%
Internal clock to nonloaded CLK pin delay
≤ 1 ns @ 85°C/3.0 V
The clock to address output delays are similar, and apply to the following delays.
Tadr, the clock to address delay
TCSx, the clock to memory chip select delay
TIOCSx, the clock to I/O chip select delay
TIORD, the clock to I/O read strobe delay
TIOWR, the clock to I/O write strobe delay
TBUFEN, the clock to I/O buffer enable delay
The data setup time delays are similar for both Tsetup and Thold.
When the spectrum spreader is enabled with the clock doubler, every other clock cycle is
shortened (sometimes lengthened) by a maximum amount given in the table above. The
shortening takes place by shortening the high part of the clock. If the doubler is not
enabled, then every clock is shortened during the low part of the clock period. The maxi-
mum shortening for a pair of clocks combined is shown in the table.
Technical Note TN227, Interfacing External I/O with Rabbit 2000/3000 Designs, con-
tains suggestions for interfacing I/O devices to the Rabbit 3000 microprocessors.
Table A-4. Data and Clock Delays VDD ±10%, Temp, -40°C–+85°C (maximum)
Clock to Address Output Delay
Data Setup
Time Delay
Spectrum Spreader Delay
30 pF
60 pF
90 pF
dbl/no dbl
dbl/no dbl