RabbitCore RCM2200
3.1.1 Getting to Know the RCM2200
The following sample programs can be found in the SAMPLES\RCM2200 folder.
—demonstrates the setup and simple addressing to an external SRAM.
This program first maps the external SRAM to the I/O Bank 7 register with a maximum
of 15 wait states, chip select strobe (PE7), and allows writes. The first 256 bytes of
SRAM are cleared and read back. Values are then written to the same area and are read
back. The Dynamic C STDIO window will indicate if writes and reads did not occur
Connect an external SRAM as shown below before you run this sample program.
—repeatedly flashes LED DS3 on the Prototyping Board on and off.
LED DS3 is controlled by Parallel Port E bit 7 (PE7). LED DS2 will remain on
—demonstrates the use of coding with assembly instructions, cofunc-
tions, and costatements to flash LEDs DS2 and DS3 on the Prototyping Board on and
off. LEDs DS2 and DS3 are controlled by Parallel Port E bit 1 (PE1) and Parallel Port E
bit 7 (PE7).Once you have compiled this program and it is running, LEDs DS2 and
DS3 will flash on/off at different rates.
—demonstrates the use of costatements to detect switch presses using
the press-and-release method of debouncing. As soon as the sample program starts run-
ning, LED DS2 on the Prototyping Board (which is controlled by PE1) starts flashing
once per second. Press switch S3 on the Prototyping Board (which is connected to PB3)
to toggle LED DS3 on the Prototyping Board (which is controlled by PE7) on and off.
The pushbutton switch is debounced by the software.
Core Module
10 kW