User’s Manual
B.1.1 Prototyping Board Features
Power Connection. A 3-pin header is provided for connection of a power supply. Note that it is sym-
metrical, with both outer pins connected to ground and the center pin connected to the raw V+ input. The
cable of the wall transformer provided with the North American version of the Development Kit ends in
a connector that is correctly connected in either orientation.
Users providing their own power supply should ensure that it delivers 9–24 V DC at not less than 500
mA. The voltage regulator will get warm in use, but lower supply voltages will reduce thermal dissipa-
tion from the device.
Regulated Power Supply. The raw DC voltage provided at the POWER IN jack is routed to a 5 V
linear voltage regulator, which provides stable power to the RCM2100 module and the Prototyping
Board. A Shottky diode protects the power supply against damage from reversed raw power connections.
Power LED. The power LED lights whenever power is connected to the Prototyping Board.
Reset Switch. A momentary-contact, normally open switch is connected directly to the RCM2100’s
/RES_IN pin. Pressing the switch forces a hardware reset of the system.
I/O Switches & LEDs. Two momentary-contact, normally open switches are connected to the PB2 and
PB3 pins of the RCM2100 module, and may be read as inputs by sample applications.
Two LEDs are connected to the PA0 and PA1 pins of the module, and may be driven as output indicators
by sample applications. (Two more LEDs, driven by PA2 and PA3, may be added to the Prototyping
Board for additional outputs.)
All the LEDs are connected through JP1, which has traces shorting adjacent pads together. These traces
may be cut to disconnect the LEDs, and an 8-pin header soldered into JP1 to permit their selective recon-
Expansion Areas. The Prototyping Board is provided with several unpopulated areas for expansion of
I/O and interfacing capabilities. See the next section for details.
Prototyping Area. A generous prototyping area has been provided for the installation of through-hole
components. Vcc (5 V DC) and Ground buses run around the edge of this area. An area for surface-
mount devices is provided to the right of the through-hole area. (Note that there are SMT device pads on
both top and bottom of the Prototyping Board.)