ELM 205
Technical reference -
Rev. G -
Advanced Printing Systems
Life under standard printing conditions
Life is defined as a change in the resistance value of any dots equal to or exceeding 15% from
their initial value. Head temperature shall not exceed the maximum 60
°C with thermistor
Then: - Pulse life :
6 Pulses
- Abrasion life:
50 kms
Mechanical & Housing
The 3 versions of the ELM are mechanically identical (fixing points, dimensions)
Designing the door
The function of the door is to bring the rubber roller to the chassis’ window entrance and to
make it follow the external path of the chassis’ window.
Given the shape of the chassis and the example in the mechanical drawing section (end of the
specification), the cover is fairly easy to design.
In order to keep a good alignment, it is strongly advised to keep the rubber roller fully floating
inside the cover to compensate any tolerance problem inside the cover.
Moreover this play must be present in order to allow the rubber roller to follow the shape of
the chassis.
The Easy Door Opening System
Because the rubber roller is only referenced to the chassis and has no dependence on the cover,
the mechanism is very reliable. To achieve this reliability, the rubber roller must be strongly
locked inside the chassis.
To avoid any twist, and mechanical stress on the cover and more generally on the customer
plastic, so increasing the reliability and quality, APS developed a unique and patented feature
to ease the opening of the door, that makes the mechanism very easy to open, and does not
require any access to the cover’s sides, giving more flexibility and ergonomics to the customer
This is achieved by clipping an internal lever inside the cover, that pushes symmetrically on
both sides of the mechanism. So the mechanism’s shape has been optimized to concentrate the
effort locally and always refer this effort to the chassis.
Doing so there is no need to have access to the cover side, giving more freedom to deign the
cover, and allowing to reduce the width of the unit.
Please contact APS to obtain the application notes and for any assistance in designing the
General mechanical specification
(See attached drawing)