HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443
A high-level, general-purpose programming language that is useful for writing compilers and operating systems
and for programming microprocessors
C compiler:
A program that translates C source statements into assembly language source statements
capture register:
input transition. Either edge of the external input can be configured to trigger the capture.
A timer 2n register that is loaded with the 16-bit counter value on the occurrence of an external
Ceramic Dual In-Line Package
the TMS370 processor that is on the target system
A low-cost code-development tool that is external to the target system and provides direct control over
chip select:
to activate chip-select signals. These chip-select signals allow the TMS370 to access external addresses with a
minimum of external logic and to perform memory bank selection under software control.
For some blocks of the TMS370 memory map, the most significant bits of the address are pre-decoded
circular buffer:
when a capture request is made. As new values are captured, they are put into successive locations in the buffer.
When the buffer is full, the oldest captures are replaced with newer captures.
A variable length area in the PACT module dual-port RAM that stores the value of a PACT timer
Ceramic Leaded Chip Carrier
A complementary MOS technology that uses transistors with electron (N-channel) and hole (P-channel)
code conversion utility:
decimal formats suitable for loading into an EPROM programmer
A software program that translates a COFF file into one of several standard ASCII hexa-
AT&T. The TMS370 compiler, assembler, and linker use and generate COFF files.
Common Object File Format.An implementation of the object file format of the same name developed by
command/definition area:
actions taken by the PACT module
A variable length area in the PACT module dual-port RAM that is used to define the
source file. Comments are not compiled, assembled, or linked; they have no effect on the object file.
A source statement (or portion of a source statement) that documents or improves the readability of a
compare register:
compare function triggers when the counter matches the contents of the compare register.
A timer 1 or timer 2n register that contains a value that is compared to the counter value. The
A value that does not change during execution
An 8-bit register-oriented processor with a status register, program counter, and stack pointer. The TMS370
CPU uses the register file, accessed in one bus cycle, as working registers.
Ceramic Shrink Dual In-Line Package
this pin to a high-level general-purpose output disables the bank.
Chip-Select Eighth 1. This signal selects the first bank of memory. It has the same timing as EDS. Setting
this pin to a high-level general-purpose output disables the bank.
Chip-Select Eighth 2. This signal selects the second bank of memory. It has the same timing as EDS. Setting
pin to a high-level general-purpose output disables the bank.
Chip-Select Half 1. This signal selects the first bank of memory. It has the same timing as EDS. Setting this
this pin to a high-level general-purpose output disables the bank.
Chip-Select Half 2. This signal selects the second bank of memory. It has the same timing as EDS. Setting
pin to a high-level general-purpose output disables the bank.
Chip-Select Half 3. This signal selects the third bank of memory. It has the same timing as EDS. Setting this