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  • ISL8026AEVAL3Z


  • 北京耐芯威科技有限公司





  • 5000

  • Intersil

  • 標準封裝

  • 16+

  • -
  • 百分百原裝 假一罰十

  • ISL8026AEVAL3Z


  • 北京京華特科技有限公司




  • 1


  • N/A ㊣品

  • N/A 原裝進口

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  • 代理渠道可追溯現貨庫存F

  • 1/1頁 40條/頁 共2條 
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ISL8026AEVAL3Z PDF下載 圖文及資料僅供參考,以實際PDF為準
ISL8026AEVAL3Z 技術參數
  • ISL8025IRTAJZ-T7A 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:5A, ADJUSTABLE VOUT, LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT SYNCH. BUCK REGUL - Tape and Reel 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:IC REG BUCK SYNC ADJ 5A 16TQFN 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators 5A, Adjustable Vout Low Q Sync Buck Reg 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:DC-DC CONV, BUCK, ADJ, 1MHZ, TQFN-16, Primary Input Voltage:5.5V, No. of Outputs:1, Output Current:5A, No. of Pins:16, Operating Temperature Min:-40C, Operating Temperature Max:85C, Package / Case:16-TQFN ISL8025IRTAJZ-T 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:5A, ADJUSTABLE VOUT, LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT SYNCHRONOUS BUCK - Tape and Reel 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:IC REG BUCK SYNC ADJ 5A 16TQFN 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators 5A, Adjustable Vout Low Q Sync Buck Reg 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:DC-DC CONV, BUCK, ADJ, 1MHZ, TQFN-16, Primary Input Voltage:5.5V, No. of Outputs:1, Output Current:5A, No. of Pins:16, Operating Temperature Min:-40C, Operating Temperature Max:85C, Package / Case:16-TQFN ISL8025IRTAJZ 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:5A, ADJUSTABLE VOUT, LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT SYNCHRONOUS BUCK - Rail/Tube 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:IC REG BUCK SYNC ADJ 5A 16TQFN 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:IC, SYNC BUCK REG, 1MHZ, TQFN-16 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators 5A, Adjustable Vout Low Q Sync Buck Reg 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:DC-DC CONV, BUCK, ADJ, 1MHZ, TQFN-16, Primary Input Voltage:5.5V, No. of Outputs:1, Output Current:5A, No. of Pins:16, Operating Temperature Min:-40C, Operating Temperature Max:85C, Package / Case:16-TQFN ISL8025AIRTAJZ-T7A 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:5A/2MHZ, ADJ VOUT, LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT SYNCHRONOUS BUCK RE - Tape and Reel 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:IC REG BUCK SYNC ADJ 5A 16TQFN 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators 5A/2MHz, Adj Vout, Low Q Sync Buck Reg 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:DC-DC CONV, BUCK, ADJ, 2MHZ, TQFN-16, Primary Input Voltage:5.5V, No. of Outputs 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:DC-DC CONV, BUCK, ADJ, 2MHZ, TQFN-16, Primary Input Voltage:5.5V, No. of Outputs:1, Output Current:5A, No. of Pins:16, Operating Temperature Min:-40C, Operating Temperature Max:85C, Package / Case:16-TQFN ISL8025AIRTAJZ-T 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:5A/2MHZ, ADJ VOUT, LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT SYNCHRONOUS BUCK RE - Tape and Reel 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:IC REG BUCK SYNC ADJ 5A 16TQFN 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators 5A/2MHz, Adj Vout, Low Q Sync Buck Reg 制造商:Intersil Corporation 功能描述:DC-DC CONV, BUCK, ADJ, 2MHZ, TQFN-16, Primary Input Voltage:5.5V, No. of Outputs:1, Output Current:5A, No. of Pins:16, Operating Temperature Min:-40C, Operating Temperature Max:85C, Package / Case:16-TQFN ISL8033AEVAL1Z ISL8033AIRZ ISL8033AIRZ-T ISL8033DEMO1Z ISL8033IRZ ISL8033IRZ-T ISL8033IRZ-T7A ISL8036ACRSHEVAL1Z ISL8036ADUALEVAL1Z ISL8036AIRZ ISL8036AIRZ-T ISL8036CRSHEVAL1Z ISL8036DUALEVAL1Z ISL8036IRZ ISL8036IRZ-T ISL8036IRZ-T7A ISL80505IRAJZ ISL80505IRAJZ-T




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