Functional Description
40.6.1 Analog-to-digital Conversion
The ADC uses the ADC clock to perform conversions. Converting a single analog value to a 10-bit digital data requires
tracking clock cycles as defined in the field TRACKTIM of the
“ADC Mode Register” on page 920
. The ADC clock
frequency is selected in the PRESCAL field of ADC_MR.
The ADC clock range is between MCK/2, if PRESCAL is 0, and MCK/512, if PRESCAL is set to 255 (0xFF). PRESCAL
must be programmed in order to provide an ADC clock frequency according to the parameters given in the Electrical
Characteristics section.
Figure 40-2.
Sequence of ADC conversions
40.6.2 Conversion Reference
The conversion is performed on a full range between 0V and the reference voltage. The reference voltage is defined by
the external pin ADVREF, or programmed using the internal reference voltage that is configured in ADC_ACR. Analog
inputs between these voltages convert to values based on a linear conversion.
40.6.3 Conversion Resolution
The ADC supports 8-bit or 10-bit resolutions. The 8-bit selection is performed by setting the LOWRES bit in ADC_MR. By
default, after a reset, the resolution is the highest and the DATA field in the data registers is fully used. By setting the
LOWRES bit, the ADC switches to the lowest resolution and the conversion results can be read in the lowest significant
bits of the data registers. The two highest bits of the DATA field in the corresponding Channel Data register (ADC_CDR)
and of the LDATA field in the Last Converted Data register (ADC_LCDR) read 0.
40.6.4 Conversion Results
When a conversion is completed, the resulting 10-bit digital value is stored in ADC_CDRx of the current channel and in
ADC_LCDR. By setting the TAG option in the Extended Mode register (ADC_EMR), ADC_LCDR presents the channel
number associated with the last converted data in the CHNB field.
The EOCx bit and DRDY in the Interrupt Status register (ADC_ISR) are set. In the case of a connected PDC channel,
DRDY rising triggers a data request. In any case, both EOC and DRDY can trigger an interrupt.
Reading one ADC_CDR clears the corresponding EOC bit. Reading ADC_LCDR clears the DRDY bit.
Start Up Time
(and tracking of CH0)
Conversion of CH0
Conversion of CH1
Tracking of CH1
Tracking of CH2
Trigger event
(Hard or Soft)